How Do You Store Breast Milk? (Clara Johnson)

So how do you store breast milk? There are many different types of apparatus and containers that are available to store expressed breast milk. However the questions and the issues still remain. which container is best to use? Well, the statement that best answers this question is dependent on the type of storage you plan to use. Will you be freezing it for long periods of time or do you plan for short time storage such as in the refrigerator. The answers to these questions can help to narrow your search and satisfy your storage needs with the widw options that are available and provided in today's market.

Storage containers - Glass containers, hard plastic or milk bags? Which do you choose?

If you opt to store expressed breast milk for long periods of times, your best option is to store it in the freezer. Freezer storage milk bags are designed specifically for storing and freezing human breast milk. They are pre-sterilized, generally thick, lined with nylon to prevent the fat from sticking to the sides, and have areas designated for labelling of the date and safe and easy sealing for the freezing period. If the storage bag you have obtained is thin, it is recommended that to double it to prevent leaking or contamination of the milk. Bottle liners are not recommended as thay are thin and may burst and hence provide less storage capabilities for expressed milk. If the liner is being used, be used in bottles that can accommodate liners. This provides direct use instead of pouring or transferring the milk to the bottle.

Hard plastic containers are also good alternatives for both refrigeration and the freezing of expressed breast milk. Hard plastic containers can also be used as an additional storage when using milk bags. The bags can be placed in the containers for added protections. Plastic containers as storage bags are available in a wide variety of sizes. The size you chose should best fit you and your baby's needs and limit the amount of breast milk that may be wasted. Be sure to store the amount of milk your baby uses in each individual container. This applies to both freezing and refrigeration as refreezing milk is not recommended.

Standard glass containers are a preferred choice for the storage of pumped breast milk. Glass containers preserve the breast milk contents better. It also prevents contamination by absorption which may alter tha taste or quality of the breast milk and so is highly recommended especially for storage in the refrigerator.

Whichever storage container that you have chosen an important tip is to seal the containers tightly. This will prevent leaks or contamination of the milk. When freezing breast milk. allow the milk to be frozen first to accommodate for expansion, then tighten whatever apparatus is used to seal the container.

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