Steps to a Healthy Pregnancy

Becoming a mother is the most exciting and amazing times in a woman's life. Every woman wants to give her baby a healthy start, and for this she needs to follow some steps to healthy pregnancy. Pregnancy is the best time to start taking care of yourself emotionally and physically as well. When you know that you are pregnant, every day you might have more and more questions about healthy pregnancy and in this article I'm going to share some steps with you for a healthy pregnancy by which you can give yourself the best chance of having a problem free pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Consult your doctor as soon as possible: Once you know that you're pregnant, get in touch with your Gynecologist to organize your prenatal care. This will help you as you will get good advice for healthy pregnancy right from the start and also will have plenty of time to organize some tests like ultrasound scans and etc that you may need.Eat healthy and balanced diet whenever you can. Add plenty of carbohydrates in your diet and rather than choosing the white, go with whole grains to get plenty of fibers. Try to add at least five portions of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Remember you don't need to eat for two, especially for the first six months of the pregnancy. And in the last three months you will need approx 200 calories extra.Take vitamin supplements that are not only substitutes for a balanced diet, but also help you in case you are worried that you are not eating well or eating too much. To reduce the risk of your baby developing a neural tube defect, taking folic acid is good. You can talk with your Gynecologist before taking any supplement. If you are not eating fish, can go with fish oil supplements, but avoid supplements made from liver of fish, as fish liver oil is not recommendable to take during pregnancy.Do exercise regularly that helps you in building your strength and endurance. Regular exercise will also make it easier to get back in shape after baby birth. You can choose swimming, yoga, brisk walking and exercises during pregnancy.Just say big NO to alcohol and drugs. Avoid drinking and smoking during pregnancy is recommendable because any alcohol you drink rapidly reaches your baby via your blood stream and increase your chances to give birth to a baby with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.Avoid caffeine as well. Means avoid taking too much tea, coffee, cola and other energy drinks that contains caffeine because there are some concerns that too much caffeine can increase the chances of miscarriage. However 200mg of caffeine in a day won't hurt your baby.Take appropriate rest is always advisable during pregnancy. You may feel fatigue during early months of pregnancy due to the high levels of pregnancy hormones circulation and if you can't sleep at night, try to catch up it in the middle of the day and if it is not possible, try to put your feet up and just relax for 30 minutes.Eterna IVF & Fertility Clinic is located at Sama Hospital, Delhi. We are easily accessible by road from all parts of IVF India as we are best located Fertility Clinic India . Our Medical team has decades of experience in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Infertility Treatment, Surrogacy India . Rate this Article

Steps to a Healthy PregnancyNot Rated Yet

Dr Sarita has published 2 articles. Article submitted on July 30, 2013. Word count: 512

The nine month tenure of Pregnancy is the most vital period for both Mother and the Child (present in the womb of the mother). Thus to attain a healthy Pregnancy, Ayurveda has mentioned many useful information to overcome the obstacles which the pregnant lady may have to face during this period.

Written by: Arindham Chatterjee

Surrogacy market in India has grown by leaps and bounds in the last couple of years. Hundreds of childless couples and individuals from around the world who have not been able to conceive through natural means travel to India every year to fulfill their dream of having children of their own.

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As many of you know, I have a baby on the way. Therefore, maintaining my health is super crucial. Two key areas I focus on for a healthy pregnancy are nutrition and homeopathy.

Written by: Elena Klimenko

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is one of the major and successful treatments for infertility when other methods of assisted reproduction have failed. Infertility is the situation in which a woman or man is not able to conceive their own child naturally.

Written by: Dr Anoop Gupta

What Infertility Clinics Can Offer?

Stress-related issues, resulting from the severe physical or metabolic stress, can cause an elevation of negative hormones, which can disrupt a woman's hormone levels and affect her menstrual cycle. It is necessary for women to maintain normal hormonal levels to maintain regular menstruation cycle and with Colorado ivf clinics women can see what their current levels are.

Infertility in women can be a result of ovarian issues which can be tested for at a Colorado ivf clinic. The issues could be related to ovaries that do not produce eggs, abnormal hormone secretions, structural issues, or immunological problems. Overall these might lead to an abnormal menstrual cycle which can consist of more than thirty-five days or less than twenty-one days of menstruation. This is one symptom of infertility. Other than this there might be no outward signs, making it even more challenging to diagnose.

Even if you cannot get a diagnosis at a colorado ivf clinic which states the reason for your infertility you can still use treatment options from a colorado ivf clinc. Some newer clinics provide ivf coupled with acupuncture to increase success rates and aid in the pain. The last three decades have seen an increase in the use of acupuncture and with that, an increase in the number of licensed professional acupuncturists and clinics in the United States. Over the last ten years, nearly 1,500 new acupuncturists have become licensed. Since 2007, the number of people who have used acupuncture increased by 50% to 3.1 million people in total. The number of licensed acupuncturists in 2007 increased to 20,000. In total, 81% of currently practicing acupuncturists have only been practicing for the last ten years.

In the past 30 years, the increased use of acupuncture and treatment options at colorado ivf clinics has prompted insurance companies to include acupuncture in their coverage when it is used for medical purposes, such as treating infertility. Currently, practicing acupuncturists state that nearly twenty five percent of their clients are covered by private insurance. Since the use of acupuncture to treat fertility is often done in conjunction with the issuance of herbal remedies, insurance companies have expanded their coverage to include the herbal medications which are much less expensive than traditional medications.

With the increase in consumer demand and the growing increase in scientific evidence for the cost-effectiveness and benefits associated with alternative medicine, insurance companies have increased their coverage at colorado ivf clincs. Of the 18 major insurance providers in the United States, 14 cover alternative therapies. While coverage continues to expand, the extent of the coverage is often limited, offering only reduced fees or a small number of sessions with full coverage.

In recent years, studies have shown an increase in the use of acupuncture to combat infertility because of the reduced cost. There have been growing concerns with the prices associated with traditional medications. Instead of restoring fertility through the use of expensive medications, acupuncture proves an economical alternative. Average acupuncture treatment for fertility will require twelve sessions with each session costing between $50 and $100.

The cost for conventional treatments such as in vitro fertilization is between $8,000 and $15,000 at a colorado ivf clinic. The cost for pills can be upwards of $50 each, which is much more expensive than acupuncture when you must take the pills daily.

Quadruple Your Chances of Conceiving With an Ovulation Test Kit

If you are planning to get pregnant, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. The first and foremost aspect is keeping a track of your ovulation cycle. This is the most important condition that helps you to get pregnant faster. It has been estimated that it takes about 6 months for an average healthy couple to conceive. However with proper care and diligence you can reduce this time frame. It must be noted that the exact time window for conceiving is very little. Every month it is only two to three days when you have the best possibility of getting pregnant.

ovulation test kits Australia help you to calculate your ovulation cycle and give you the best opportunity every month to plan for pregnancy. It is indeed a joy for every couple to expect a new baby but with proper care you can make this process more comfortable.

Here are a few things that you must keep in mind before you plan to get pregnant:

It is very crucial that you maintain a healthy lifestyle during such time frame. The better your body would be physically, the better are the chances of conceiving. Secondly it is extremely important to know your ovulation date. The best remedy to this problem is buying an ovulation test kit. It can be bought online and has proved to be over 99% effective in all cases. This test kit helps to predict your ovulation date and gives you the exact time window for conceiving.

A simple guide on how to use ovulation kit tells you the easy steps you need to perform to carry out the test at home. These kits are generally urine based and work on the principle of detecting the surge in Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This hormone is present in the urine of a woman around the middle of the menstrual cycle. The presence of this hormone signals that ovulation is about to occur. It has been estimated that ovulation occurs in the next 24 to 36 hours once you get positive results on this kit.

These test-kits have been of great importance for women who are planning to get pregnant faster. It is also simple in use and gives effective results that you can bank on. It is also convenient to carry around and can be used anywhere. Evidently these kits have been useful for many women who have had problems in conceiving. But now with the cheap ovulation tests you can get faster results in no time. You may hence be prepared completely for the joy that you had been waiting for and expect for happiness to flow around you in the shortest span of time.

Your Body After the Birth

There are a wide range of emotions a woman can feel after giving birth - from elation and extreme happiness and contentment, to disappointment and even sadness. Hormones can affect women in different ways.

But most women have the same physical symptoms of childbirth in common.

These can range from feeling bruised and sore (especially if there has been a tear or cut and stitches - episiotomy) to fragile and exhausted.

New mums who had a caesarean delivery - which is basically major abdominal surgery - will also have pain and discomfort following childbirth requiring time, rest and support to recover.

A woman's body takes nine months to grow a baby and it undergoes many changes, so it is unrealistic to expect everything to snap back into pre-pregnancy mode overnight.

Here are some things to expect after giving birth:


Women will have some vaginal discharge after giving birth whether they had a vaginal or caesarean delivery. This lochia is quite bright red at first, then goes brownish, and in the final stages is yellowish. It can last anything from about 10 days up to six weeks (on and off).


Women suffer variable amounts of discomfort, even pain, as the uterus shrinks back after giving birth. It can feel like early labour contractions and is often more noticeable in the early days of breastfeeding because the hormone oxytocin (which causes the uterus to contract) is released then.

Pelvic floor weakness

While a woman's vagina will naturally return to its former tone the pelvic floor muscles may need some help. Every woman should do pelvic floor exercises as soon as possible after giving birth. Weak pelvic floor muscles can result in some bladder weakness and a little urine escaping when laughing, coughing or rushing to the loo.

Perineum healing

If a woman has a tear in the perineum (the area between the anus and the vagina) while giving birth, or an episiotomy (cut) during delivery they may have stitches which can be uncomfortable as they heal. Taking paracetamol and applying cold gel packs to reduce discomfort and any swelling helps. An old fashioned remedy for stitches was soaking in a salt bath.

Changes in the breasts

Immediately after giving birth a woman's breasts only contain a little colostrum (the rich first food for a baby) so they are soft and not tender. After a few days the breasts can get engorged, full of milk and may feel uncomfortably hot and tender.

Getting into a breastfeeding routine stops breasts over-filling. Women will then make as much as the baby needs and the over-swollen effect will subside.

Other possible effects:

A flabby tummy (gentle exercising will improve this)Piles (these may gradually disappear, or need GP intervention)Stretch marks on your breasts, tummy and thighs (these will fade)Some hair loss as hair returns to its pre-pregnancy conditionUnwanted fat. Breastfeeding burns off extra calories. Don't rush into a strict diet, just eat healthily to return to shape.Debra Aspinall is an experienced journalist and the editor and leading writer for the Emma's Diary website, one of the UKs foremost pregnancy and baby websites. Debra writes on pregnancy related topics such as giving birth , morning Sickness, benefits of breastfeeding problems and etc. She also writes on women's health and beauty issues and contributes travel articles to glossy magazines in London and the Home Countie

Depression During and After Pregnancy!

For some women pregnancy means confusion, fear, sadness, stress, and even depression.

Depression is a mood disorder that affects 1 in 4 women during their lifetime, so it's not surprising that pregnant women can be depressed too.

Sometimes depression is not properly diagnosed during pregnancy and is just considered to be due to hormones.

It's true that hormone changes in pregnancy can affect brain chemicals, which are directly related to depression and anxiety. But if this is worsened by other situations or worries it can result in depression during one or more stages of pregnancy.

Women with depression may experience any of these symptoms for up to two weeks at any of the stages of pregnancy:

Sadness that can't be shaken offInability to concentrateBad sleeping pattern (too much/too little)Lack of interest in pastimes usually enjoyedPersistent thoughts of death, suicide, or hopelessnessAnxiousnessFeelings guilty or worthlessPoor eating habits

Depression in pregnancy can be triggered by factors including previous pregnancy loss, stressful family life events, or history of abuse or depression.

Can it harm the baby?

There are potential risks to the mother and baby. Left untreated the condition can result in poor nutrition, excessive drinking or smoking, or in extreme cases suicidal behaviour.

It is generally agreed that women who have depression during pregnancy lack the strength and desire to care properly for themselves and their developing baby.

Babies born to depressed mothers tend to be less active, struggle to pay attention and are more irritable and agitated.


Depression can be treated and managed.

Sufferers need to talk with their GP who may suggest support groups, psychotherapy, alternative therapies (such as acupuncture or light therapy) or medication.

Some natural ways to help relieve the symptoms of depression including exercise (which naturally increases serotonin levels) rest, diet and/or herbal remedies.

Depression after pregnancy

Postpartum mood disorders range from the mildest baby blues to postpartum depression and the very serious postpartum psychosis.

Approximately 50% to 75% of all new mothers will experience some negative feelings after giving birth. Normally baby blues occur four to five days after the birth of the baby, but disappear within a week or two. Symptoms include crying for no apparent reason, mood swings, a feeling of overwhelming helplessness and disturbed sleeping and eating patterns.

Getting as much rest as possible and having a supportive partner and family can help these symptoms seem less severe.

Approximately 15% of new mothers experience postpartum depression lasting on and off up to a year. Symptoms are the same as the baby blues, sometimes more severe (including thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby) and can alternate between good and bad days.

The most serious form of post natal depression is the rare post-natal psychosis, occurring in fewer than one in 100,000 births. Similar in some ways to bi-polar disorder it may cause severe confusion, paranoia, delusional behaviour and rapid changes in mood.

Debra Aspinall is an experienced journalist and the editor and leading writer for the Emma's Diary website, one of the UKs foremost pregnancy and baby websites. Debra writes on pregnancy related topics such as stages of pregnancy , giving birth, during pregnancy and etc. She also writes on women's health and beauty issues and contributes travel articles to glossy magazines in London and the Home Counties.

What To Know About The Morning After Pill?

The morning after pill, which is also referred to as an emergency contraceptive pill, can be taken by a woman who has had unprotected sex and fears getting pregnant. There is more than one type of the pill on the market to choose from currently, both containing hormones meant to block the process of ovulation. Ultimately when no egg is released, ovulation is prevented from transpiring. No pregnancy occurs when no egg is dropped as there is nothing to be fertilized by the semen. Should a woman wait until the morning after to take the pill?

That is what the term suggests. Perhaps the name behind the morning after pill comes from the scenario of a woman waking the next day, thinking about what had taken place, and then wishing there was something she could do to fix it. Along with feelings of alarm, it could be that the notion of taking it in the morning came about because that is usually when regret hits and what happened the night before is remembered. However, it could be that health care facility opens in the morning which is when women can find solutions to their problems then and not in the middle of the evening.

Since the point of the morning after pill is to stop an egg from dropping, it is not ultimately the best choice to wait until the morning after sexual intercourse to take it. Conception can occur immediately if sperm is able to fertilize the egg which is produced when ovulation occurs, day or night. The sooner it is used after the intercourse, in actuality the most reliable the morning after pill is in preventing an unwanted pregnancy. When treated like an urgent situation, emergency contraception is just what the name implies. The emergency contraceptive pill would have been more appropriately marked as the moment after pill. It is an undeniable fact that intercourse can take place without the best planning, even between two responsible men and women, whether they are married or not.

On the other hand, there are occasions when intercourse is forced upon a woman, as awful as it is it is reality. Not everyone can cope with a pregnancy associated with something like that, and fortunately society has recognized this fact. Somewhat, it became an influence in researching emergency contraceptive. For such a horrendous heartbreak, the morning after pill has allowed victims to start their healing process quicker, knowing that they were not going to have to cope with a pregnancy too. While going through so many emotions, you can imagine what a relief that can be for a victim. Some women have made arrangements with their doctor to obtain emergency contraceptives for if, or when they may be necessary. Woman who do not use contraceptives regularly yet are still fertile may feel they are necessary for them to have just in case.

It is currently being reviewed in scientific circles whether these types of contraceptives are safer to use for woman as opposed to a birth control pill taken all the time as they are similar yet the morning after pill has a higher dose of hormones, it is not needed unless unprotected sexual intercourse has happened. No definitive conclusions have yet been made about that, but for those who do not do well using the pill continually, it can be an option to consider, dependant upon several factors. Always follow the recommendations of your medical professional and do consult a reputable clinic that handles exclusively female matters. Whether or not the emergency contraception pill could be used by you will be determined by the medical expert that is attending you.

Visit The Best Gynecologists Today For Any Infertility or Maternity Issues

Gynecology has always been a very sensitive area of medical science. The Gynecologists are always in demand. This field generally deals with the health of the female reproductive organs like ovaries, vagina and uterus. If you would like to categorize it in lay man's language it would mean, "Science of women". Kahun Gynecological Papyrus is the oldest known medical text of any kind which is dated to 1800. The Gynecology deals with problems faced by women like gynecological diseases, fertility, pregnancy and conception, etc. The women have been endowed with a very complex body system, which needs to be taken care off with regular check-ups and by following healthy habits which can help them to maintain their overall well being.

Earlier the gynecological practices were very crude in nature. The ladies had to face traumatic delivery experiences very frequently due to many pregnancy related health issues like Hypertension, Gestational diabetes and many other issues. There were frequent maternal deaths and still born cases during the delivery process. These days with the advancement of medical science and technological advancement, the methods of diagnosis and treatment methods have become very sophisticated. The ladies still have to undergo the same pain during childbirth but in a safer manner. The critical cases are diagnosed in advance and in some cases the doctors suggest a C -section delivery, so that some dangers to the mother and child are siphoned off. There are many prenatal ultrasounds and testing which can confirm about any lurking danger to the unborn and to be mom which can be fatal. It also confirms whether the baby in the womb has any chromosomal anomalies like the Down syndrome or any other mental retardation. They conduct a triple marker test for that.

Gynecologists these days deal with many other complex health issues like Breast cancer, STDs, Infertility, preterm delivery and so on. All these are very distressing situation for those who face it and have to bear the pain of these health issues. The Gynecologists can conduct surgery in case of cancer after the diagnosis through a Biopsy test; prescribe antibiotics for STDs and medicines for infertility. Abortion has become a matter of controversy because of religious sentiments and human angle attached to it. Many doctors do abortions if they feel that there is a genuine treat to the mother's life or if the child is not normal.

The laws of the land are however different for different countries around the world on abortion. Hymen Reconstruction too is also a new advancement which is a sensitive issue for the medical fraternity also. The Birthing centres these days have all the amenities needed for a luxurious birthing experience for the mothers. These rooms for the postnatal stay can be booked in advance and the mothers can even visit the birthing centre in advance, so that the nervousness subsides gradually prior to childbirth. You can avail the best of treatment these days from the certified hospitals that have experts on various health ailments, which have made the treatment process quite painless and systematic.

Welcome to Queens Gynecology Clinic, We are a reputed Gynaecologysts in London and leading Gynecology Clinic based in Harley, Central London. We will provide you the best advanced knowledge and treatment for any Health Ailment related to Gynecology and Obstetrics. Rate this Article

Visit The Best Gynecologists Today For Any Infertility or Maternity IssuesNot Rated Yet

Luek Right has published 1 article. Article submitted on July 20, 2013. Word count: 507

Women who have lost interest in sex can recover it with the best libido supplement for women. Natural herbs should be in the best libido supplement for women for natural enjoyment of sex.

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Erectile dysfunction is a very unpleasant disorder that can ruin one's sex life. Read this article to know best herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction.

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Symptoms of nausea are vomiting or a feeling of it, dizziness, sweating, stomach pain etc. Know the best home remedies for nausea.

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Let me tell you the best natural treatments for acne. What could be more annoying to know that acne marks are still left even after the infection is healed? How ever there are quite a few methods that can remove these marks without visiting the doctor and wasting your money.

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Umbilical Cord Care

There are lots of items to consider when you bring your cute little angel home from the hospital. A question that's frequently asked by new mommies is when to manage the child baby's umbilical cord stump. The child's umbilical cord might appear like just a little unattractive and useless string of skin mounted on your infant. But back in the day the life span-line for the baby, supplying the baby with oxygen and essential nutrients to live inside womb. After your infant comes into the world, the umbilical cord is usually clamped through the medical specialist. The procedure is painless as well as simple because umbilical cord doesn't always have nerve cells. It is just a bluish purple little umbilical cord which remains with a clamp ultimately. Umbilical cord typically drops off in a matter of about 2 weeks after birth. However it is vital to manage the umbilical cord through these fortnight.

Why Umbilical Cord Care is essential

At birth, babies are generally born with an advanced level of immunoglobulin igB, antibodies which are essential for fighting against viral and attacks but in next two or three months, these amounts will reduce. Therefore, as the defense mechanism is immature during this time, babies are quite likely going to infections and that's why Umbilical cord care is actually important.

Umbilical Cord Care tips:

Right until newborn umbilical cord stump falls-off, you will want to keep to the below discussed Umbilical Cord Care tips.

1. Ensure that is stays clean

One of the most essential part of umbilical cord care is to keep your baby's umbilical stump clean. Keeping the Umbilical cord region clean will prevent microbial infections. Simply because that no nerves are located in the cord, cleaning it will not be painful or uncomfortable to your baby.

Soak one hundred % cotton-swab in warm water and gentle soap. Get the surplus water. Delicately wipe the stump and also the skin around it. Your doctor may suggest using rubbing-alcohol instead of soapy water. Should you be using rubbing alcohol, then first make use of a gentle lotion throughout the stump. It will help protect your little one's delicate skin.

Eliminate any sticky, dirty or wet substances.

Gently pat dry the spot which has a very soft cloth.

Stay away from cotton-wool balls because the wool filaments can continue with the cord after clean-up.

2. Ensure that it stays dry

Should you be using any kind of liquid to wash the cord region, be sure to let it dry completely before put any clothes for the area. When dressing up your baby, try to leave the maximum amount of air flow across the area. If climate conditions permits, a loose hanging tee-shirt is wonderful for air drying. By preserve the region dry and clean, you're reducing potential risk of infection.

3. Top and Tail

Top and Tail is vital during umbilical cord care. A cloth or sponge bath is advisable during this period. A little splash from your sponge bath is not a problem, but trying to keep water to minimum is definitely the very best. Avoid giving your youngster a full bath throughout today.

4. Diaper delicately

Diapering could be challenging, but there are numerous methods to keep diapers from irritating the stump. If you use disposable diapers, then decide on a brand which offers a newborn style diaper using a lower front. These diapers are produced specifically infants so they won't discuss the stump. If you utilize a brand that does not have this aspect, or if you use soft cloth diapers, make sure to fold on the front of diaper under the cord region. This will prevent any rubbing in the diaper as well as reducing the opportunity of any liquid or dirt seeping up to the area.

5. Allow stump disappear by itself

If the stump gets ready to decrease-off, it is vital that you avoid pulling it on. Set up umbilical cord stump is holding by a mere little bit of skin, allow it to fall-off on it's own. At about the time, the stump falls away you may perhaps observe several blood drops. Rise normal. You just do not want the cord to bleed actively.

Concerns in Umbilical Cord Care

Umbilical cords take more time to fall off if there's disease. Should it be kept dry, it'll fall off faster, usually in just a week right after delivery.

Simply touching the baby's umbilical cord never hurts your child unless it's infected. However, it's not necassary to press the stump or area near to it.

You could possibly experience a few blood drops if the umbilical cord begins to drop-off. In the event the vicinity is kept dry and clean, the bloody, soft spot will recover fast.

Swelling throughout the baby's navel is really a called as umbilical hernia. It is extremely common and often resolves itself in eight to twelve months and often usually it takes longer but no medicine is required. Create press the lump with home-binders as it might do harm instead of worthwhile.

The fleshy portion following your umbilical stump falls-off will be the granulation tissue (referred to as umbilical granuloma). After a while, this red scarring will subside or else it'll usually be addressed with silver-nitrate and able to go away.

Umbilical Cord Care Red Flags

It's important to get hold of your baby's doctor if you feel your newborn is developing any infection. Call your baby's physician when

The baby develops a fever

There is certainly swelling or active bleeding from the base of the cord or region near to the skin

The stump oozes out yellowish or white pus

There is certainly redness or tenderness around the baby's navel, or perhaps it smells bad.

Umbilical cord care doesn't always must be complicated or scary. Providing you ensure that your newborn's umbilical cord stays dry and clean, and keep an eye out for symptoms of any infection, both you and your baby will be fine. Follow the above mentioned ideas on umbilical cord care to prevent any complication. In no time, the stump will be dropped off and all sorts of which will be left is surely a lovable cute belly button.

Checking Pregnancy Status at Home Now Becomes Safer And Quicker

With the rapid advancement and globalization, mankind has made considerable improvements in the sphere of medicine. And this branch has laid special emphasis on the growing concerns of pregnancy among women. There has been a great deal of improvisation when it comes to getting a product for testing pregnancy. Latest research has now made it easier for a woman to check her pregnancy status in minutes. This has also led to a greater planned pregnancy ratio. Also you can rely on such tests and their accuracy.

Innovacon pregnancy test is among the most relied upon ways for detecting pregnancy. This has been the most popular and most effective method that has been used throughout by women of every age group. It has gained huge popularity for its effective results. The test is based on the presence of HCG which is also known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone that is present in the placenta of the pregnant women. It must be noted that this hormone is absent in women who are not expecting a baby. The device detects the presence of this hormone and reflects it on the test area.

Such home pregnancy test reflects the presence of two red lines on the device which indicates that a woman is pregnant. You must keep in mind that if the device shows only one line on it, it means that the pregnancy test stands negative. The accuracy of these devices is over 99% if performed at the right time. Also it gives fast results and saves a lot of time and money. Such devices are very convenient to use and can be used anywhere. Its standard design is comfortable for use among women of every age group. Also the chance of the test being false positive is very less.

However there are some precautions that you must observe while using such this product. The first and foremost condition is that the device must be used before its expiration date. A fault on this part may lead you to uncertain results. You must also use the product at room temperature. It is also important that you do not open the product until you are ready to use it. Exposing the product to the outer environment for a prolonged time may disturb its nature. Also make sure to dispose-off the product in a safe way.

pregnancy test prices are also very cheap and the product can be bought online. It is one of the best devices for the new generation to come up with quick pregnancy-test results. Now you need not worry about unexpected pregnancy news. And with the right news at the right time, your life would be filled with happiness and joy.

I am Chandra Shekhar, author of this Article.This article helps to provide the information about home pregnancy test in the way you want.For more details visit home-check dot net dot au. Rate this Article

Checking Pregnancy Status at Home Now Becomes Safer And QuickerNot Rated Yet

Chandra Shekhar has published 39 articles. Article submitted on July 15, 2013. Word count: 451

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Fake Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Expecting is usually an exciting time for parents. But unfortunately, pregnancy not always ends with the anticipated baby. Sometimes women starts believing that they are pregnant, even if they are not, just because of the symptoms like nausea and fatigue that they mistakenly conclude. This false pregnancy is clinically termed as Pseudocyesis (a kind of belief that you are expecting when in real you are not carrying a child). The false pregnancy is mostly concluded by the fake early pregnancy symptoms. Especially when you are trying to get pregnant or just hoping for it, every month passes present a whole lot of guessing and watching out the classic symptoms of pregnancy.

Well, whatever it be, it's a fact that when there is so much emotion is involved in something, it can be easy to imagine that you are expecting or experiencing pregnancy symptoms. It's normal to spent hours in searching list of pregnancy symptoms when you are trying to expect or trying for years to get pregnant. Some women convinced pretty much that they were pregnant, though months after months they were not. Well checking pregnancy symptom is like a frantic game that any one should not really bother, playing until have any confirmation on pregnancy stick.

Here are some early pregnancy symptoms that can fake you out, take a look on them:

Fatigue: Our all wondering, guessing and poking wear us out physically too.Nausea and vomiting.Expecting for years and trying for it with an imagination that you have your own baby in hands is really stressful and whose mood don't swings or changes when they think that their life is changing shortly.Sore boobs can also be the symptom as if you often check to see if they are sore, they actually get sore.Food cravings may be the symptoms of fake pregnancy. During pregnancy you are free to eat whatever you want and your desire of eating you like call cravings in pregnancy and when you are not you call them lack of will power.Interruption of the menstrual period.Swollen belly and many more.

Above symptoms can last for weeks, and sometimes for several years. Usually pelvic exam has been done to test the false pregnancy including abdominal ultrasound scan and if there is no baby will be seen or won't be any heartbeat, it shows that you are not pregnant. False expectation of pregnancy, especially for a period of several months, can be very upsetting for woman to learn that in real she is not. In this case, doctors or her partner need to gently break the news and need to provide psychological support or therapies as well, so that patient can handle herself and can recover from her disappointment.

In some cases the problem is more than we think as some women want to be pregnant so badly that her brain changes her body. The sad part is that the condition is frequently triggered by trauma or sometimes the death of a spouse.

Dr Anoop Gupta Photo Dr Anoop Gupta CEO of Delhi IVF expert in IVF Treatment running IVF India last 15 years. We offer Surrogacy Mother India, Delhi and over India at cost effective than anywhere else in the world. Rate this Article

Fake Early Pregnancy SymptomsNot Rated Yet

Dr Anoop Gupta has published 32 articles. Article submitted on August 01, 2013. Word count: 489

These days are divided into three stages of pregnancy: early pregnancy, mid pregnancy and late pregnancy.

Written by: Anjali Raj Sharma

You believe that you are pregnant and feel each lightheaded and emotionally substantial. Whilst not confirming for specific, but these might be incredibly early signs or symptoms of pregnancy.

Written by: Garlan Gufa

Srishti Assisted Fertility and Advanced Laparoscopy (SAFAL) Center is the first Reproductive Medicine Center in the Union Territory of Puducherry,India. Call: 00 91 413 2263119.

Written by: Dr Soumyaroop Dash

There are certain symptoms of pregnancy that a woman should be aware of. If these pregnancy symptoms continue for 4 days or more then the chances are that you are pregnant.

Written by: Jennifer Obodo

Pregnancy Check Ups and Other Female Medical Needs

The 9 months of pregnancy is one wonderful experience for mommies to be. Centuries ago, women did not have the privileges that we are experiencing now. There were no medical checkups and babies were born at home. Today, women are given the medical attention they need in the 9 months that they will be carrying their baby.

Regular checkups are required to ensure the baby's and the mother's health until the day that the baby will be born. For first time mothers, choosing an obstetrician gynecologist or simply an OB/GYN can be a very hard task since this doctor will be with you in the entire 9 months, and also for other future pregnancies.

Choosing an OB/GYN

When it comes to pregnancy check ups, it is important to have only one trusted OB/GYN, it's easier for just one doctor to monitor your progress. You can start by asking friends and family of any doctor that they know of. By doing this you ensure that the OB/GYN you are going to entrust your pregnancy to has already worked with some of the closest people you know and you would already have an idea of how they work through feedback and references given by your family and friends.

You can also try to go to the nearest hospital or womens clinic in Singapore and ask the head nurse of any doctor they can recommend for you. Nurses are also the best people to ask since they have seen the doctor's in their best and worst and will likely refer the best person they know.

The medical board may also have a list of some recommended doctors and some doctors that have red flags in their history.

Pregnancy Check ups

Once you become comfortable with your Ob/GYN, pregnancy check ups will become a breeze. It is important to attend regular checkups to ensure yours and your child's health. You will be required to have at least a checkup at least once a week with your doctor; and for first time mother's there might be more appointments needed.

Some women will also experience high risk pregnancies and will also need to attend more appointments with their doctor. Doctors will usually run physical exams, blood tests, breast, pelvic and uterus exams, and a Pap test. The calculation of your due date will also be done on your first visit to your doctor.

Other Female Medical Needs

Aside from medical needs that come with pregnancy, women also need to go to clinics, hospitals and even plastic surgery centers, not usually for beauty reasons but also for health reasons. A number of treatments would include breast exams, vaginal rejuvenation, different vaccine shots and a regular physical exam to avoid any future health problems

Impact of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy

Doctors have revealed that the drug abuse during the essential months of the pregnancy stage almost create a harmful impact on the health of the women as well as the embryo. Thereby, the medical professionals suggest their physicians to cease the consumption of such drugs that might create impact on the health prior to the succession of pregnancy.

Such type of issues has gained familiarity almost all across the globe. It eventually leads to enough fatal complications over the health of the women & mostly those females are adversely affected who undertake such illegal medicinal devices during their pregnancy stages & thus lead for the execution of the harmful effect on the health of the mother & the fetus.

It is actually led due to the usage of the improper medications the cause the crossing of the placenta across the embryo & thereby adversely impact the proper advancement of the fetus. The crossing of the placenta is said to occur more efficiently with the application of such powerful drugs as compared to other vital medicinal devices. These are said to get along into the infant through the route of breast milk.


Females who are more prone to the usage of the drugs experience loss of appetite, do not incorporate proper eating habits, thus have the chances to suffer from anemia & other associated harmful disorders.Women are said to be more influenced of suffering from elevated blood pressures or hypertension & even pre-eclampsia during pregnancy stages.Adequate amount of health care is not received during such phase which leads for the negligence of good health.


The embryo does not receive adequate amount of oxygen as well as the nourishing agents through the route of placenta, thus obstructs the normal advancement of the baby.In such cases, the chances of abortion & abnormal development of the baby are even higher.Opioids which include heroin & morphine can easily make their way to the fetus across the placenta & these are said to accelerate the chances of stillbirth. All those babies who consume such medications possess low weight during birth, nausea, improper breathing habits etc.Consumption of marijuana can even lead for the premature births, lead to the abnormalities of the mental health which involve concentration problems, unable to learn & read properly.Constant smoking during pregnancy is extremely harmful as they might summate the chances of miscarriage, stillbirth & improper size of the infant during birth.Harry Kelly is the author of these great articles. He works in the freelancer content writer of a famous pharmacy site online currently he is working with In his work he is committed to help men to know more about the benefits of Blue pills , Kamagra , Penegra, Zenegra, Caverta Rate this Article

Impact of Drug Abuse During PregnancyNot Rated Yet

Harry Kelly has published 2 articles. Article submitted on June 11, 2013. Word count: 391

Having someone in your family who is suffering from drug abuse has negative effects on all that is living in the household. You can get the one who has the drug addiction problem help by getting them to a drug rehab centre as soon as possible.

Written by: Kimberly Mitchell

Itching, with or without a rash, is a common symptom for many people. Itching can be the result of a skin disease, such as an allergic skin rash, or an internal medical issue, such as liver or thyroid disease.

Written by: Anjali Raj Sharma

Studies have highlighted that addiction treatments can aid individuals addicted to drugs to quit taking, relapse, and successfully recover their living.

Written by: Aroma Nabeel

Drug use has become increasingly common in recent years. This causes health problems, but also social and familiar problems are common. A growing number of teenagers drink alcohol or consume other toxic substances.

Written by: Stefania Constantin

Why Are Some Pregnant Women Afraid of Natural Deliveries?

The percentage of women having caesareans rather than spontaneous, vaginal deliveries, has grown in recent years. In the UK around 20% of births are now c-sections and not just for medical reasons.

These 'elective' caesareans are supposed to be an option if a pregnant woman has already had an emergency one in a previous pregnancy, or if it might be difficult or dangerous for her to delivery naturally.

There is no corresponding evidence regarding the medical necessity for this increase, meaning more surgeons are clearly being persuaded to arrange them without medical reason.

So why are more women afraid of natural spontaneous deliveries and asking for caesareans?


Caesareans are seen by many pregnant women as the painless way to give birth. Many women worry they'll be unable to cope with the pain of a spontaneous vaginal delivery. But with modern pain relief options contractions can be made much more bearable. Also the recovery time for a vaginal birth is usually quicker than a caesarean which is a surgical procedure and brings with it risks of infection, haemorrhaging and other potentially serious conditions.

Choosing the date

Mums choosing caesareans may be able to select a date to fit their family plans, but is it fair to the baby to force his arrival just for the parents or surgeons convenience?

The fear of after effects

Some pregnant women think a c-section prevents damage to their pelvic floor during delivery, so they'll be free from the risks of a weak bladder later. Others worry that their vagina will stretch and sex will become less pleasurable in future.

The pelvic floor muscles come under pressure throughout the third trimester so having a caesarean may not prevent problems. It is true that some stress urinary incontinence can be caused by the stretching of muscles during natural childbirth thus causing a leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing or laughing.

But carrying out gentle, regular pelvic floor exercises is the best way to prevent future bladder weakness problems.

The vagina will go back into shape after giving birth. The perineum (the area of skin between the vagina and anus) may be cut or tear in labour, but this too will repair.

Unfortunately stories by woman about ruined sex lives, sore stitches and haemorrhoids only send more women running to tick the caesarean request box.

Other reasons why women should think twice before selecting a caesarean:

Some women say they missed that feeling of achievement. Others say the process of vaginal delivery is key for bonding.Around 35 in 1000 c-section babies have breathing difficulties compared to 5 in 1000 after a natural birth.A woman is four times more likely to die as a result of a caesarean than from a vaginal birth.The wound of a caesarean can be uncomfortable for weeksSome women are left with an unsightly flap of skin above their scar which later requires cosmetic surgery.Debra Aspinall is an experienced journalist and the editor and leading writer for the Emma's Diary website, one of the UKs foremost pregnancy and baby websites. Debra writes on pregnancy related topics such as pregnant , pregnancy, giving birth, trimesters of pregnancy and etc. She also writes on women's health and beauty issues and contributes travel articles to glossy magazines in London and the Home Counties.

Giving Nature a Helping Hand

Even if a man or woman is in perfect health, they may be having difficulty having a baby. There may be circumstances with one or both people that are hindering their ability to create a child. Sometimes, Mother Nature needs a helping hand, and for those times there is a fertility doctor that can meet with the couple and talk to them about what is going on.

The Fertility Clinic Process

A couple might be terrified the first time they go to a fertility doctor because they are not sure what is going to happen. It is quite normal to feel nervous, but this is a doctor that helps couples have babies all of the time, so there is no one better for the task. However, once inside the office, the couple can talk to the fertility doctor about what they really want, and then the doctor will explain what the next steps are. The couple will have to undergo a medical evaluation, and once those test results are in the doctor can talk about what the couple's options are.

Here is more information on the fertility clinic process is when it comes to helping a man and woman start a family:

Fertility medication: The first step to getting pregnant is for the woman to take fertility drugs. The drugs will help the ovaries to release more than none egg, which is going to increase the chances of an egg being fertilized.

Fertility injections: Another option for a woman to get pregnant is to get shots instead of taking pills. The shots are given every day, and these shots will also stimulate the ovaries and encourage them to release more than one egg a month. Though these fertility shots do the same thing as the fertility drugs, the injections are a little bit more expensive. The fertility shots can cost up to $5000 a month versus the $50 dollars a month the pills cost.

Artificial insemination: If a man has a low sperm count, then artificial insemination can be the answer because the sperm is injected directly into the woman's uterus at the right time of the mouth when her egg is ready and waiting.

In vitro fertilization: In vitro fertilization is when a woman's egg is removed from her body, placed in a petri dish, and then the man's sperm is then injected into it. Once the egg is fertilized, the egg is put back into the woman so it can attach to the uterus wall. The one disadvantage to in vitro fertilization is that it can cost between $10 and $15 thousand dollars a try, but it has a high rate of success for couples who want to start a family.

A couple who really want to start a family may need a little bit of help when Mother Nature fails.

A fertility doctor can sit down with a couple and talk to them about the options they have to getting pregnant. The couple can use fertility drugs, fertility shots, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization, but no matter what option they choose they can get their family started.

What Is Fertility Treatment

When you have been trying to get pregnant for many years, it is important to find how to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Generally speaking, after age 35, the chances of getting pregnant will go down and the risk of miscarriage will go up. As the women age, chances of having a baby will decrease with each passing year. Due to many factors, more and more women have lost their ability to get pregnant. As the scientists in this field have made many advances, millions of couples are able to have babies. If you are unable to have babies, you should find the fertility treatment.

The fertility treatment in women should be based on what may be keeping the woman from getting pregnant. If the people suffer from the problems with ovulating, they can choose to take medicine such as clomiphene that can be used to stimulate your ovaries to release eggs and metformin that is used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome. There is no doubt that more and more people need the treatment to get pregnant. It is important to talk to your health care provider about whether or not you need treatment. You should know about how things like smoking and weight affect fertility.

The fertility treatment includes In vitro fertilization (IVF), Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), Donor insemination (DI), In vitro maturation (IVM) and more. When mentioning the In vitro fertilisation (IVF), this treatment is that the eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory dish before being placed in the woman's womb. This treatment has been favored by the people. However, the Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is associated with injecting a single sperm directly into an egg in order to fertilize it. There are many physicians, psychologists, embryologists, laboratory technicians, nurses and allied health professionals who work together to help infertile couples achieve pregnancy across the world.

Before undergoing the fertility treatment, you should know that there are some certain complications exist with the treatment of infertility. When you take some medications, you may feel pain, bloating, nausea or vomiting. When talking about the ssisted reproductive technologies (ART), you may be told that your eggs are surgically removed, combined with sperm in the laboratory so that it can be returned to your body. There are many hospitals that are dedicated to offering the treatment for infertility. But you should choose the best hospital that can help you realize your dream of having babies.

Griffin Hill Photo Before undergoing the fertility treatment, you should know that there are some certain complications exist with the treatment of infertility. Resource From: Fertility Treatment and IVF Treatment Process Rate this Article

What Is Fertility TreatmentNot Rated Yet

Griffin Hill has published 80 articles. Article submitted on July 19, 2013. Word count: 414

IVF, IUI and The Conception Kit are three major treatments that are available today. Also, the popularity of these treatments is high. Here's what you got to know about these treatments.

Written by: Jeff Brendon

If you're going through paid or free IVF in the future you could benefit from band new research which may make it possible to predict the success of paid and free IVF treatment. This IVF research could boost free IVF success rates and lower the risk of multiple births.

Written by: Adam Johnston

IVF treatment is all because of innovation and advancement in technology and one must utilize it in case of infertility.

Written by: Naveen Kumar Jain

In IVF treatment, the ovaries are intentionally hyper-stimulated with hormone injections and the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries by ultrasound-guided-needle aspiration. Now these eggs are combined with the sperm for fertilization that occurs in vitro (literally, in glass) in the laboratory.

Written by: Neelam Goswami

Are You Going to Have a Baby Boy or Girl

It's inevitable. One of many first questions that a pregnant lady is requested while she begins to show is "Are you having a boy or girl?" If, unintentionally, she does now not recognise what she is having, she's going to continuously be trained on a few other strategies of figuring out what the intercourse is. Gender prediction myths have been round for hundreds of years and at the same time as a few are more accurate than others, they can supply plenty of leisure. Listed here are a number of of the extra fashionable gender prediction tips on how to resolve if you're having a boy or a woman.

The Chinese language have a couple of other checks to determine a child's sex. One of the standard strategies is known as the Chinese Gender Predictor or the Chinese language Beginning Chart. It is a quite simple procedure. The intercourse is expected in response to the mom's Chinese language lunar age at the time of notion and the Chinese language lunar month is which the mom used to be conceived. The solutions are plotted on a chart and where they intercept finds the solution. On the other hand, this is a lot more effective lately as there are numerous websites that let you positioned the dates in and the solutions are computed for you. How correct the take a look at is continues to be noticed. I positioned within the dates of my and my children's birth and it was once correct 1 out of three times, but it surely was a laugh.

There are many old wives' tales aimed toward predicting the sex of a kid. One is in response to how you sleep. Should you sleep on your left side, it's a boy. When you sleep to your proper side, get in a position for lots of purple. Another revolves around little girls. It has been said time and again that if a mom has excessive morning sickness she is expecting a lady. Along the similar traces is the story that if a mom profits a lot of weight, develops acne, gain weight in her face, and just isn't as lovely as she was before being pregnant then this can be a woman. The wives' story states that the baby lady "steals" her mother's attractiveness. If the mom has dry fingers even as pregnant, it will be a boy. Soft fingers are indicative of a bit of girl. The craving of citrus fruits may be points toward a girl. Being clumsy at the same time as pregnant is a sign that just a little boy is on the way in which. This is also the case when a mom craves salty foods. Alternatively, if mother is yearning goodies the odds are geared towards a woman. Finally, one of many extra commonplace stories is based on how the mom is wearing the baby. It is mentioned that if you're sporting low, a boy will quickly sign up for your family. If you are wearing a prime, get able for a lady.

The one transparent cut way to be told the intercourse of your baby whilst pregnant is thru a sonogram or amniocentesis so in case you must recognise that is learn how to pass. Of course, where's the thrill in that?

Vaginal Rejuvenation for Boosting Self-Esteem After Pregnancy

Having a child is such a joy for every family especially for mothers who have long been waiting for a child to be born in the family. However, certain condition for the moms arise after giving birth. Due to the process of coming out of the child in the vagina, the genital of the mother becomes stretched and loose. Medically speaking, this condition is not a problem but it may affect the self-esteem of women thus, an operation in women's clinic in Singapore is a good option to troubleshoot it. This situation is not exclusive for moms. It may also apply to some women who have this condition naturally or because of a long time of repetitive sexual intercourse.

What are the Options for Vaginal Operation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is the most famous plastic surgery for the female genitalia that involves the correction of the vagina to make it look and feel like that of a virgin again. When performed, it greatly improves the sexual gratification of women and their partners during intercourse. There are three main procedures widely known under this operation. They are labiaplasty, hoodectomy and vaginaplasty.

Labiaplasty that is sometimes called as labioplasty, is the surgical process of the reduction of the labia may it be the majora or the minora. This surgery is most famous among porn stars because it fixes the appearance of the labia to make it look more delectable to the human eye. Also called as clitoral unhooding, hoodectomy removes the excess skin around the clitoris to increase the sexual stimulation of women. And the last, the vaginaplasty or also referred as vaginal tightening is the procedure chosen by most people to tighten the vagina. This is most common for mothers who have just given birth or women who have loose vagina due to the long-time of engaging in sex.


While it is not considered as a risk in the health, this operation has many benefits for women. Unlike other surgical operations, it involves much less recuperation period. The most important of all, it increases the women's self-esteem. You may consult as early as pregnancy check-ups to know the best procedure for you. Those who have wide vagina due to giving birth or having intercourse for a long time will lose vagina's elasticity eventually. Having an operation will give back the thrill in the sex life of the couple. Women should not be ashamed of this process because there is nothing wrong with it. What is the essence of developing technology unless you use it?


Women's clinic in Singapore has a lot of option for you but depending on the person who will undergo the operation, some may experience allergies. Temporary loss of sensation on the area that had been operated may be felt.

What is an Aspiration Abortion?

When considering an abortion, it is important for the expectant female to know the different procedures and what to expect from both options. Although it often comes down to the overall expertise of the doctor, knowing the difference between the two procedures is necessary, as it helps the female make the best decision for herself.

Machine Vacuum Aspiration Abortion Procedure

The vacuum aspiration abortion procedure is done from five to twelve weeks after conception. This is the exact same time frame as the manual procedure. The vacuum aspiration is relatively quick though, as it is generally only takes anywhere from five to fifteen minutes to complete, and is done in a standard medical office or clinic. Right before the procedure begins, a cervical dilator is generally inserted into the cervix in order to slowly dilate the area. This is done either a day before or a few hours before, in order to give enough room for the vacuum aspiration to proceed. Pain medication might also be provided both orally or intravenously, depending on the patient and the doctor. If medication is used, and what type, is up to the discretion of the medical staff on hand.

During the procedure, a speculum is inserted and the cervix is cleaned with an antiseptic and numbed. The uterus is then held with a specialty toll designed to grasp hold of the cervix and then a hollow tube is inserted into the cervix, which is attached to a bottle and pump on the exterior end of the tube. Once in place and both the women and the medical staff is ready, the pump is turned on to create a slight vacuum, which removes the tissue out of the uterus. After the entire procedure is complete, the women might feel a bit of cramping, faint or even nauseous, all of which are rather common after the procedure. Slight bleeding for up to two weeks after the procedure is often a common occurrence.

Manual Aspiration Abortion Procedure

Like the machine vacuum procedure, this is done during the first five to twelve weeks after conception and only lasts about five to fifteen minutes. During the procedure, the doctor uses a hand-held syringe in order to create a suction effect, similar to what occurs with the vacuum procedure, only there is no external machine used.

To begin the procedure, the doctor inserts a speculum into the female, and then the cervix is numbed with local anesthetics, in order to prevent most pain. A plastic dilator is often used to help open up the cervix, in order to make it easier for the doctor to see. A thin tube is inserted into the cervix with a hand held syringe attached to the base of the tube. The doctor then uses the tube to create suction and remove the tissue. At the completion of the procedure, the same side effects are possible, ranging from cramping, feeling faint to nausea. Bleeding might also occur for the next few weeks, and sexual activity as well as the use of tampons is typically avoided for a week or two after the procedure.

When it comes to abortions, there are three general methods, two of which are aspiration abortion while the other is done through a bill up to the first five weeks. Regardless of how it is done, it is a very difficult decision made by the women and it is important for her to take in all available knowledge and consult with an experienced physician before making any decisions.

The Surrogacy Option For Infertile Couples (Anas Khan)

For couples who decide to put an end to unsuccessful infertility treatment, surrogacy is a good option to parent a child. It's the closest to having a biological child of your own when all other options fail, with the added benefit of letting you participate closely in your baby's gestation and birth. Surrogacy, referred to as 'assisted reproduction' also benefits women who have no uterus or have a damaged one.

What is Surrogacy?
Surrogacy is the process where in another woman helps to carry your child in the event that you are unable to conceive or carry a child of your own. The surrogate mother is willing to be impregnated by InVitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure and then carries the resulting baby for the 'Intended Parents.' After the birth of the child the surrogate mother relinquishes all her parental rights to the child.

Gestational Surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy is also referred to as host surrogacy since the surrogate mother is not biologically related to the child, but merely acts as host for the embryo. This is a good option for women who can produce eggs for fertilization but are unable to carry a child to term. In this type of surrogacy, the sperm and eggs are provided by the intended parents or by sperm or egg donors. The surrogate is implanted with the fertilized embryo through in-vitro fertilization.

Surrogacy Cost
Surrogacy is a costly option for infertile couples. The intended parents have to bear all the expenses of the surrogate's pregnancy and related fees that would cover surrogate screening and counseling, lost wages, insurance, surrogate's transportation, surrogate agency and attorney fees. The other vital expenses include:

o The cost of fertility treatments needed to begin the pregnancy, which may include in-vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination
o Prenatal visits with health care providers
o The cost of delivery
o Food, medicines, and clothing required for the surrogate
o The initial supplies for the baby before the hand-over
Surrogate agencies charge anything in the range of $38,000 to $54,000 as fees, sometimes more or less. This would also typically include legal fees and the cost of paperwork.

Legal Issues in Surrogacy
Before the surrogacy relationship is established between the intended parents and the surrogate, it is necessary to sign a surrogacy contract defining the procedures, expenses, and legal parental rights. Legal concerns are of the utmost importance while pursuing surrogacy.

In Conclusion
Despite the significant financial burden, and the long drawn out processes, surrogacy is a satisfying option for many couples. However finding a suitable surrogate is not easy and the whole process of surrogacy itself is an emotionally-draining one. The necessary psychological assessment and detailed explanation about expectations is vital for a positive outcome of the process.

Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.

How to Become a Surrogate Mother (Anas Khan)

Becoming a surrogate is not a decision that is made when one has not done a good self evaluation. It is a decision that needs not be taken in a hurry. It is a decision that you will keep remembering it for the rest of your life, or as long as you see the person you will give birth to.

When you are a surrogate mum, you must realize that there are things that will be going round your mind. You will have to know that you do not only have a contract that lasts for a few months.

You have got to know that you are in for a life issue. That needs to be handled with extreme care. You have got to program your mind for the assignment.

It is necessary to answer the following questions before signing up to be a surrogate:

1. Where am I carrying a child of another couple? Is it money, fame, concern, hobby?
2. Am I psychologically prepared to know that it will never be my baby?
3. Do I feel obliged to do it?
4. Do I love the exercise?
5. Will I fulfill the requirements of the contract?
6. Have I involved others in the decision?
7. Do I know what I am getting to?

After getting answers to the above questions, you can now go ahead being pretty sure that you are quite aware of what you are doing. You will therefore need to go to the market to sell yourself as a surrogate.

You will need to know that this will not be any other casual thing that you do. It will require you to be quite abreast with the laws of your land that governs surrogacy. It will still be necessary for your own good that you seek help, especially if you have a problem with the interpretation of the law. Paying for legal counsel may not be much of a bother.

You may decide to go alone in making the contract or use a surrogate agency. When involving an agency, you will also need to be well, aware of their requirements and terms of the contract. It may be advisable to use this channel if you are not sure where to begin. Your agency must be the kind that will give you a good contract that will serve your interest properly. The same contract must also comply with the law.

If you are intending to go alone in the process, you should be well aware that you will be the one to initiate, and do all the paper work. You may seek assistance from somebody who is well versed with the industry to advise you. The most important thing in the whole process is to get to a final contract with somebody who will satisfy you, and recognize that the role you are playing is not just commercial.

It will also be prudent to understand that what you are making is a contract to 'manufacture' life

Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.

Should Healthy Couples Consider Surrogacy? (Anas Khan)

Statistics reflects a round 20% of couples try to get pregnant but are not able to due to certain complications such as ovulation, implantation, fertilization etc. with the modern developed technology it very possible to achieve conception with simply having surrogacy by using donated sperm or egg. All the same all pregnancies under go the same process of having a single sperm, a single egg and a uterus for the whole process to kick off.

Couples should consider surrogacy as healthy way to conceive for there is no way they can get tangled up with sexually transmitted diseases because all the necessary medical test are done to ensure that the donas are psychologically and medically fit to under go the process. All this will narrow down to the question of ethics and judgment whether the healthy couples should consider surrogacy.

In the long run, couples are left with the sole decision to under go surrogacy as long as it remain to be legal. Not all choose to get pregnant the normal way so they prefer surrogacy instead as the better option. The determination for whether this is the right thing to do or not is left interplay for the couple to choose for themselves with maybe some assistance from their preferred doctor or from a surrogacy medical center to assist in making the choice. Couple should take the advantage of surrogacy for technology has offered a chance to the people who are perfectly healthy but can not conceive the best chance to have a child of their own without under going any medical risks.

Couples should consider surrogating for it very healthy and it reduces the chance of getting sexually Transmitted Diseases such as AIDS which will shorten the period that they were intended to live by cutting short their life down to a slow pain full death. Although the surrogacy mighty is expensive some desperate couples invest heavy large amounts of cash to be called some bodies' parent.

The other factor to be put to consideration is when the woman is infertile and all kinds of treatment used have failed thus this will leave surrogacy as the other alternative to correct the situation. Surrogacy can also be considered when the mother can not sustain to carry the infant through the nine month period where by her eggs can be artificially be implanted into another woman to carry the infant through the pregnancy term successfully.

One of the biggest advantages is that couples will have a chance to have biological child. This can be achieved when artificial insemination of the embryo is used for the intended mother. Surrogating brigs couples closer due to the fact that they are able to nature and care for the pregnancy until the nine months. Healthy couples in the instance that the spouse, in this case the husband has under gone through a surgical, surrogacy process can still be used to assist the couple to having a child of there own.

Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.

So Many Infertility Treatments, So Little Time! (Anas Khan)

Many couples today have faced the disheartening news that they are infertile. This does not necessarily mean they will never be able to conceive a baby of their own, but the road ahead, and the myriad of treatment choices, can be overwhelming. In the wake of research advancements, there are many options for infertility treatments, but how can you possibly decide which is the right treatment, or combination of treatments for you and your partner? Though you may feel pressure to make a decision about your treatment because time is of the essence in conceiving a child, the best first step is to thoroughly research your options, so you understand all of the factors for each choice.

Probably the most common treatment for infertility is the use of infertility medications, typically delivered by injection. Examples of these are Clomid and Progesterone, hormonal treatments, that alter how often, and how many eggs, you ovulate. When your doctor has determined that your difficulty in getting pregnant lies with a hormonal imbalance, or irregular or insufficient ovulation, they will recommend this course of treatment. There are caveats to infertility drugs, however, such as hyperovulation, which is when you ovulate more than one egg at a time, and could result in twins, triplets, or more. This may seem like a blessing for a couple who has been trying to conceive, but pregnancies with multiple babies put the mother and babies at higher risk for complications and developmental issues. Some research has also linked infertility drug use to cancer, and other health issues.

Artificial insemination is another option for infertility treatment, and involves placing sperm directly into a woman's reproductive tract. This is an option if there is an anatomical or health issue (such as scarring or physical disability) that has made is difficult for conception to take place by normal intercourse. Many placement procedures are used, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI - the most successful artificial insemination method), intravaginal insemination (IVI - the simplest method), intracervical insemination (ICI), and intratubal insemination (ITI - the most involved method).

Invitro fertilization is one of the most effective infertility treatment available. Eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the womb in a laboratory, and the fertilized eggs with the greatest potential for full and healthy development are implanted in the uterus. Eggs and sperm can be from the biological parents, or from donors, and the biological mother can carry the baby if she is healthy enough, or a surrogate can be used to carry the baby to term. Medications are used to prepare the uterus to accept the fertilized egg, and like all medications.

All treatment options should be discussed with your doctor, and you and your partner should weigh the pros and cons of each, considering all of the risk factors for you and your baby to be. With so many choices, the best fit will come with research and communication to find what will bring you closer to bringing home baby.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh.

Maternity Days Can also Make you Look Beautiful (Sono Vaso)

In a woman's life, pregnancy is one of the most wonderful and memorable time of their whole journey. The feeling of giving birth to a new life is just exhilarating. It is quite possible with most of the expecting mothers that while looking after their families and planning for their new born, they forget to take care of their own selves. But, you must give time and attention to yourself which will also make you feel happy. Your size will extend as the time of delivery will come nearer. But, why to look worried in the time of pregnancy, you can also dress smartly and enjoy the beauty of this period. Do not keep this misconception in your mind that you will look ugly in the days of pregnancy as you can also follow the maternity fashion.

You just need to have a change in your personality by switching on to creative and smart maternity cloth. Sono Vaso is an online shopping store which offers a wide range of fashionable maternity clothes. They fulfill the needs of fashion of a pregnant woman and make them look beautiful and attractive.

Tips to follow while purchasing maternity clothing

* Shop for stretchable stuff while purchasing any maternity cloth.

* You can also buy second hand maternity wear offered by selected stores and save your money.

* A-line or empire wear dresses will make your expanding tummy look flattered.

* Do not make your purchase very early and try to purchase the dresses at particular stages of pregnancy which will also help you follow maternity fashion.

* Always add a shawl or stole or light jacket in your shopping list as in this period, you can feel hot or cold at times.

* Shop for some gorgeous and latest jewelry and accessories to wear with your dresses. This will make you look beautiful.

These clothes are different from the normal wear therefore, they are quite expensive too. But at Sono Vaso, you can get a wide range of pregnancy wear at affordable prices. They believe that an expecting woman carry a new life and spirit with them therefore, they have the right to enjoy every moment of their life. This includes their fashion needs and the wish to look beautiful.

You can make yourself look best even in the maternity days. Just make good buying decision while buying these clothes in an affordable and fashionable manner.

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Tips to Get Affordable Wear for Mother (Sono Vaso)

First of all, congratulations to all those who read this article! You will now be giving birth to a new life that will fill your life with joy and happiness. In this expensive world, where you need to plan so much for your new born, it is very unreasonable to think of your own shopping. As the normal shopping list goes out of your budget at times and if you are looking forward for some special shopping then, you need to pay extra for it. But, there are ways by which you can get affordable maternity cloth. At Sono Vosa, you will find what you are looking for.

Tips to find affordable maternity cloth

- Google your needs and get numerous ways to get inexpensive cute maternity clothes.

- Some of the online shopping stores also offer inexpensive maternity clothes for mothers.

- You can even ask your friend or relatives who have gone through the maternity period to gently hand over these dresses to you for the time being. This can save you from spending dollars on maternity wear.

- There are few local stores which offer second hand maternity dresses at low prices which can be easily affordable for you.

- There are some charitable trusts and organizations which offer maternity dresses for free to those who are in need and are not in a situation to buy new dresses.

- If you are looking for a good maternity dress for some special occasion then, you can also get them on rental basis.

- Also, there are some dresses which can be adjusted as per your size and can be used for the entire period of pregnancy.

Well, once you make the news of expectancy public, all the people around you will advice you something or the other. You will get to know about more ways to get inexpensive dresses by your friends and relatives.

Sono Vaso is there for you as a helping hand to get affordable dresses in the days of maternity. They not only have wide range of dresses but, they are also available at lower prices than the other stores. You can easily order dresses for any stage of pregnancy.

Whether you need dresses to wear in routine or for some special occasions, you can get to see the latest and trendy variety of dresses for you. So, just have a look at yourself and look beautiful as ever.

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What Is In Vitro Fertilization, IVF? (Anas Khan)

What is IVF?

IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization and is a method of artificial insemination that dramatically increases the chances of pregnancy. It is one of the assisted reproductive technologies methods used as fertility treatment across the world where other methods have had drastic results.

In simpler terms, a man's sperm is inserted in woman's egg using controlled laboratory environment to proceed with fertilization. These embryos are then carefully put back into the mother's uterus after 4 to 5 days of fertilization in incubator in hopes that the embryo would grow in a full baby. The embryo transfer process needs to be carefully done in order for successful fertilization in the mother's womb.

There are many reasons why IVF is conducted:

1. Poor sperm quality - Males having poor sperm quality are unable to achieve fertilization and increase the chances of conception with their female partners. This is male factor infertility due to which people move towards IVF.

2. Hindrance between the egg & the sperm - Many times it happens that even though sperm quality and quantity is sufficient enough, the hindrance in between the lining of uterus and male's sperms often reduce the chances of fertilization. This calls for the assisted reproductive technology method known as IVF. In order to find out any possible hindrance, medical procedures like Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis are conducted and female's body gets completely examined for any signs or evidence of possible damage. This is done so that the embryologist can better understand the body and proceed with fertilization.

3. Fallopian tube problems - This is a female factor infertility, in which fallopian tubes either get blocked, or damaged making it complicated and stressful for the embryo to travel to the uterus.

What to look for before proceeding with the IVF program?

There are many factors that need to be analyzed first, before moving on with the procedure. Have a look at the SART statistics published each year and find out the number and likelihood of multi-fetal conception. While it may seem really cute to have twins or triplets, it is better to proceed with single, healthy pregnancy. Health risks exposed to mother increase when there is a chance of giving birth to more than one baby.

Choose clinic wisely and carefully after thorough research amongst various clinics. Do not hesitate to ask your peers or colleagues who have been through IVF procedure and had successful pregnancy. They are surely going to give you unbiased and genuine opinions based on their personal, solid and unquestionable experiences. You should also take into account the cost of IVF procedure. The success rates do not come cheap if proceeding with IVF. You need to have a good look at your budget and get ready for a minimum of $8000 to $10000 in your pocket. IVF is perhaps the safest, yet most expensive method used in fertility treatments.

When finally you have the budget and made up your mind, call up the clinic and ask for any questions you might be having in your mind including clinic's reputation, past records and appointment team. Notice the way nurses or phone operators respond to your call. Are they friendly? Do they spend proper time on phone assisting their customers? If yes, then this is a green signal to proceed to the clinic. When reached, have a look around the atmosphere and notice courteousness of the staff. Is the staff friendly? Is there an adequate level of hygiene maintained in the clinic? If you receive positive answers, then you might find this a good place for IVF fertilization. IVF is not a joke and hence should be done only once in life. Do not compromise on cost. Go for quality if you really are willing to get blessed with baby.

There is also an increased chance of birth defects if you made a wrong choice in selecting the IVF clinic. The sperm collected from males is first washed in the laboratory where live healthy sperms get separated from abnormal or dead sperms. A slight mistake of inserting abnormal sperm inside the egg could lead to birth defect. Advanced maternal age reduces the chances of getting pregnant even via IVF. Provide fertility drugs like Clomid to your partner to induce ovaries for fertilization few days before IVF procedure.

The first successful IVF baby was born at 11:47 PM on 25th July, 1978 at Oldham General Hospital, Oldham, England. Her name is Louise Brown and as of today she is a perfectly healthy, average looking lady at the age of 33. At birth, she weighed 2.68 KG which is considered to be in normal birth weight range.

IVF is a very successful medical procedure but you should ahead with it after getting consultation from a medical expert. This would act as your best guide to achieve successful conception.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh.

Infertility Solutions For Infertile Couples (Anas Khan)

Finding infertility solutions very much depends on your circumstances. You and your partner probably have to undergo a series of tests to find out the reasons for infertility. If there are problems with you or your partner, your doctor will recommend suitable treatment for your conditions.

If you have difficulty conceiving, here are some infertility solutions you may want to consider:

1. Change Your Lifestyle

Stop smoking, taking illicit drugs, alcohol, reduce weight, reduce stress and avoid strenuous exercise. Certain medication may have negative effect on your fertility. Check with your doctor on your medication. Have a well-balanced diet and supplement your diet with essential vitamins to make sure you obtain proper nutrition.

2. Fertility Drugs

Your doctor will most likely give you some kind of fertility drugs such as Clomiphene Citrate (often known as Clomid). These drugs regulate your hormones and induce ovulation. There may be some side effects such as headache, nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, mood swings, abdominal discomfort, tender breasts, blurred vision, abnormal uterine bleeding or ovarian cyst. 80% of women who take Clomid ovulate but only 30 to 40% actually get pregnant.

3. Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been proven to be effective for some female and male infertility problems. Acupuncture is known to help women to regulate irregular menstrual cycles. It is often used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF). It helps to stimulate blood circulation to the uterus and improve the pregnancy rates. It is also used to improve sperm quality in men. There is no known side effect. However, if you want to go for acupuncture, choose a certified acupuncturist with experience in infertility treatment.

4. Infertility Herbs

Some herbs have been used to treat infertility in both men and women. Herbal medicines have not been widely researched; therefore it is not known whether these herbs have side effects. However, some herbs may have adverse effect when taken with fertility medicines. It is best to make sure your doctor and your physician are aware of the types of herbs and medicines you are taking.

5. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

What if you still can't get pregnant after trying all sorts of treatments? A possible infertility solution is using assisted reproductive technologies. Some common ART include intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), IUI is a procedure where sperms are inserted into your uterus at the time when you are ovulating. IVF is a procedure where your eggs are removed from your ovaries and fertilized with your partner's sperm in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are then placed in your uterus after several days. ICIS is performed by injecting of a single sperm directly into the center of your egg, and the resulting embryos are then placed back into your uterus.

6. Third Party Reproduction

If all the treatments do not work for you, what other options do you have for you to have a baby? Some alternative infertility solutions for infertile couple are third party reproduction which involves using sperm, eggs or embryo donated by a third party. You should consider all the emotional, social, financial and physical factors before going for these alternatives.

7. Surrogacy

A surrogate is the woman carrying a pregnancy for you. There are two types of surrogacy: traditional and gestational surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy is when the surrogate's own egg is fertilized with your partner's sperm. The baby is genetically linked to the surrogate and your partner. Gestational surrogacy is when the surrogate carries the embryo created after your egg is fertilized with your partner's sperm. The baby is not genetically linked to the surrogate.

8. Adoption

This is another alternative if you have tried all infertility treatment without success. You have to consider carefully before taking up this option. Many childless couples have opted for adopt babies from foreign countries.

One of these infertility solutions may be right for you.

Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.

What Is the Gestational Surrogacy Process? (Anas Khan)

Most surrogacy procedures these days are gestational surrogacy procedures. In the gestational types, a surrogate carrier will carry a child that was conceived using eggs and sperm from a couple, or using donor eggs and sperm. In vitro fertilization is required to retrieve and fertilize eggs from the female partner. The eggs are then combined with sperm from the male partner to create embryos, and a select number of embryos are transferred to the uterus of the surrigate carrier after a short period.

This differs from what is referred to as traditional surrogacy in which the surrogate-carrier's own egg is used in the procedure and combined with sperm from the male partner through intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this case, the surrogate carrier would be biologically linked to the child, whereas in gestational surrogacy, the surrogate carrier is not biologically linked to the child.

Immediately after giving birth to the child, the surrogate-carrier (SG) releases the child to the parents. Gestational surrogacy is thought to carry less of a risk than the "SG" becoming attached to the child, as she is not biologically linked to the child compared to traditional surrogacy where the surrogate carrier is biologically linked to the child.

To protect the rights of all parties involved, a contract should be drawn up before beginning the process. There are several legal matters that must be determined, as well as financial and medical matters. The couple will pay the baby's carrier fee that is agreed upon before the procedure is begun. The couple will also pay for preparation, screenings, pregnancy-related expenses, medical expenses, agency fees, delivery fees or the use of donor eggs or donor sperm if applicable. In total, the cost of surrogacy may range from $20,000 to over $100,000 depending on a variety of factors.

To find a surrogate, couples may consult fertility clinics, websites, lawyers or other agencies that help connect surrogate carriers with couples. A surrogate carrier must have children of their own and must be at least 21 years of age. The requirement that they have had children is so that they have shown they are capable of carrying a child to term and it is thought it lessens the chance of the surrogate becoming attached to the child if they have children of their own. Surrogate carriers must undergo a litany of screenings and tests as well to ensure they are fit for the role.

Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.

IVF Success Rate - You Too Can Conceive Using IVF (Anas Khan)

When you can't conceive naturally, it can be very depressing for a couple. Even in today's modern world, there are many couples who are having a difficult time getting pregnant. In most of these cases, one or both members of the couple have been diagnosed with some sort of infertility. There are many infertility options available, and you too could well be on your way becoming pregnant.

Some of you may be aware of these options and some of you may not. Regardless of this point, it is worth reading this article. IVF or invitro fertilization is considered one of the best infertility treatments available. But keeping the cost factor in mind, many people want to know the IVF success rate before trying it out. The question to be answered is - can IVF actually make me pregnant?

The truth is that the IVF success rate varies according to many factors. It basically depends on you, and in most cases, the cause of the infertility. Factors like age, quality of semen, uterus, and a few others. Both sexes can contribute to infertility, so it is not always the woman's fault. Although in most cases it is the woman.

The IVF procedure was discovered only few decades back. Research has shown that the IVF success rate is much higher for women younger than 30 compared to women who are over 30 years of age. The success rates decrease with increasing age, but don't come to the conclusion that age is the only factor.

Many women get pregnant with IVF but can't carry the baby and give birth. So it is important to take into account the actual live birth rate as well as the pregnancy rate. According to studies, the IVF success rate in women who are 35 and younger is only about 30 percent. When you look at such rates, you may think that IVF may not be too helpful. However, I can assure you that it is helpful, as it has helped many women to start families. But not everyone who goes through IVF process gets success.

IVF is one of the best infertility options and the best way to get pregnant. One drawback with IVF is the cost of the IVF procedure. Another drawback is that everything has got to be right. The timing and the environment of the procedures have to be perfect. Even a slight increase or decrease in your temperature can spoil the chances of becoming pregnant.

I'm sure a child is worth every penny that you will be spending on IVF. For every woman, the chance to conceive and give birth is an inexpressible joy that is worth the money spent. When you can't conceive the first time don't lose hope and get panicky. You need to be patient as conception usually results after a few tries.

With hope, prayers and perseverance, you can be rest assured that you will get the baby you have been longing for.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh

IVF Cost - Your Top Questions Answered! (Anas Khan)

IVF cost can be very expensive; be sure you know exactly what you are paying for. Not all clinics charge the same, so be sure to do your research. Common questions about IVF costs:

1. How much will IVF cost?

IVF will cost an average of $12,000. You will be paying at least $10,000 and maybe even up to $15,000 depending on your area. The costs listed are for a standard IVF procedure. This does not include assisted hatching, ICSI, or egg/sperm donation.

2. Can I get a "packaged deal" on IVF?

Yes you can. Some clinics offer programs for multiple IVF's. You pay a lump sum, usually around $30,000, for a few chances at IVF. Some clinics will even return a portion of this money if you do not have success after the third IVF. When considering this option please think about your chances of becoming pregnant using IVF. If your chances are good you may not want to go for this option. For example, you and your partner have to go through IVF because your tubes have been removed. Your fertility is good, other than the fact that the sperm cannot get to the egg. You decide to do the package deal, but end up having a baby on the first try. Now you have spent $30,000 on an IVF cycle that should have cost you $12,000. I am not telling you to rule it out, because it can be a great option for some people. Most people don't get pregnant on the first try.

3. Does insurance cover IVF?

Some people are lucky enough to have insurance cover IVF, but most insurance only covers a certain number of tries, or it does not cover it at all! You may want to check into this before beginning your IVF cycle. If your insurance does not cover IVF and you can find a job easily in your area, then you may even want to consider changing jobs to a company that has IVF coverage.

4. Are there any hidden fees?

If you want to do ICSI, assisted hatching or use donor eggs or sperm, then there will be additional charges. When deciding if you want to use any of these methods please keep in mind the fact that they can increase your chances of success, and in the long run they can lower the cost of IVF.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh.