Infertility Warning Signs You Need To Know About (Robert F Fogarty)

You and your partner have been married for over three years now. You used to be on birth control pills, but for the past year you stopped taking them. You figured that you would just stop being so mindful of getting pregnant, and would just let it happen on its own. However, it has been more than a year, and you are still not pregnant yet. You may have a problem you are not aware of or it may just be a matter of not being intimate with your husband enough. Infertility doctors are the doctors that can help you sort it out, but you are not even sure you have a problem just yet.

Infertility Is Not Always Obvious

You may not think you are infertile, but only infertility doctors can tell for sure if you are or not. However, there may be signs that you do have a problem. You may get a period every month, but you really do not keep track of when you do. The time to be more aware of your body is definitely now because you need to figure out if you need to search for an infertility specialist or not. Here are some common signs of infertility:

* No signs of ovulation each month: PMS is something every woman dreads every month because the symptoms of an upcoming period can be pretty bad. Typical signs include tender breasts, cramps in the stomach, cramps in the lower abdomen, lower back pain, and sometimes mood swings. Usually, these signs of your period start a week before you get the period. However, if you just get your period with no warning signs ahead of time, this could be a sign that you are not ovulating like you are supposed to.

* Irregular periods: Your periods may come once a month, but they are not always on the same day. Sometimes you get your period in the beginning of the month, but sometimes it comes in the middle or at the end. The periods not coming like clockwork could be the sign of a hormonal imbalance, which can affect how fertile you are.

* Your overall health: You may not be in the best shape you can be. If you are overweight, smoke cigarettes, or have a medical condition, you may not be very fertile. Some conditions that require medication can also affect you because the side effects may include infertility as a side effect.

Infertility doctors can test you and see what the problem is. Some common signs of infertility include a lack of PMS signs, irregular periods, and the fact you are not that healthy overall. Your body is trying to sell you something with these infertility signs, but you can seek out a professional like, to do something about them.

You never gave much thought to how fertile you are, but now that you are not getting pregnant, despite being off of your birth control for quite some time. If you suspect you have a problem than you may need to look into infertility doctors.

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