What An Abortion Pill Is And How It Works (Suzanne Hosier)

For those individuals who do not have children and no plans in the foreseeable future to have children, an unplanned pregnancy can be very difficult to handle. Difficult decisions need to be made whenever a woman finds herself in this circumstance. Should she have the child and put it up for adoption or raise the child themselves or whether or not to terminate the pregnancy altogether. Anytime there is a decision whether or not to terminate a fetus if often a complicated decision for anyone. What a woman does and does not do with her body ultimately is her final choice and no one else's. For many who decide that abortion is the best choice, abortion pills are one of the most practical and accessible options.

Women ordinarily have two options when carrying out an abortion: They can take a pill or opt to undergo some sort of medical procedure. Much less invasive, the pill involves swallowing a number of pills and nothing more. It is, however, up to the doctor to help a woman decide whether a pill is the ideal option. In addition there are certain requirements to using the pill such as the pregnancy must be within the first nine weeks. Over nine weeks, a medical procedure would have to be performed as it is much more complicated.

Some women are not comfortable with having an abortion through a surgical operation. This normally involves a suction curettage and though it is usually not painful, some women just are not comfortable with the idea. The medication form is much more convenient for those in the very early stages of pregnancy and much less invasive.

Abortion pills include a two stage method. The initial step involves taking a pill to stop the pregnancy. 36 hours later, the second step occurs where a pill is taken which causes the miscarriage. As with every medical treatment, you will need to make several visits to the clinic for routine checkups to make sure that the process runs without complication. While most do not report any negative effects, the pill has a 95% success rate. Also, this process has no long term risks involved.

There are even so specific laws that will differ from state to state regarding abortion. Treatment of minors in particular will vary depending on the state and the conditions for treatment and consent. Make sure to check what the laws are for your state before you make your first appointment.

Serious soul searching and contemplation is needed when making the decision to have an abortion. Even though many choose to keep it a private personal matter, often family or friends will be helpful in this awkward time. The final choice, needless to say, is entirely yours to make. What is best for you might not be right for someone else so how your decision affects others might need to be a consideration. After you decide that an abortion is the best solution, the next step is to make a scheduled appointment with a clinic. Locating and making an appointment might be difficult for anyone especially if they are trying to keep the issue private and are worried someone would notice them going into a facility which performs abortions. However, once inside, they will quickly find that the staff are caring and will do whatever they can to meet a woman's needs.

Through the first nine weeks of pregnancy, you've got the option of terminating the pregnancy without needing to undergo surgery by the use of abortion pills. To get more info on Family Planning Associates Medical Group, view them at their webpage, http://www.fpamg.net/.

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