Infertility Treatments - Beyond the Basics (Anas Khan)

If it has been over eighteen months since you and your husband decided you wanted to become pregnant, and you've been following your body's symptoms and signs but haven't had any success yet, this is the time you will want to contact your physician, to have him or her check on the issue of fertility.

If you haven't already used an ovulation predictor kit (also called an OPK), you may also want to use this to determine your most fertile times. Unlike the temperature charting, these tests anticipate your ovulation, rather than simply confirming that is has occurred.

OPK's work by means of detecting luteinizing hormone, also called LH. Right before ovulation, you will experience a dramatic, sudden and brief surge of LH, and ovulation tests can detect this, which is a much more accurate predictor of the time of ovulation. If you get a positive result on an OPK, you will likely be fertile in the next three days or so, with your fertility peak about 36 hours after the surge in LH.

If you still have no success after using OPKs, your gynecologist will likely be the first doctor you visit, for answers to your problem. If it is discovered that your progesterone is low, you may be given a prescription for progesterone, which is taken every month, after ovulation.

If you are not successful with progesterone, you may learn that your lutheal phase is weak, which can be combated by the use of the drug Clomid. This is a fertility medication that boasts a high success rate. Clomid is one of the lesser expensive of fertility medications available, as well. But like any drug, Clomid doesn't work for everyone. Since each woman's body is different, the way you react to Clomid may be different than the way another woman will react to the same drug and dosage. In addition, some women have side effects with Clomid, but you may not notice any.

If Clomid does not work for you, you may visit a specialist, who, through testing, might determine that PCOS, or having small ovarian cysts, is the cause of the non-pregnancy thus far. This is treated with cycles of Clomid, then Puregon and Choragon.

The prescribed medications you are given are not the only way to enhance fertility and give you a better chance of conceiving a child. You can also use integrative medicine, which means combining the conventional medicine that you are accustomed to with alternative medicine. You can utilize the abilities of conventional medicine to identify issues like blocked fallopian tubes or a low sperm count, but alternative medicines can gently improve your ovulation, bring your hormones into balance and bring better health to your whole body.

Natural fertility treatments have been used around the world, by women and couples who want a child. Your gynecologist may not bring up many of these ideas, because this is not in their area of schooling, as a rule.

Natural medicine doesn't make your physician any money, and there aren't very many (if any) people who visit your gynecologist to promote the natural herbs and vitamins used in natural medicine. There also isn't much funding to use for studies about natural medicine, or to increase the public's awareness of the natural treatments available.

Vitamin C is an advantageous vitamin into concentrate on when fertility is an issue. If a man does not get enough vitamin C, his sperm may show a compactness of cells, according to a study at the University of Texas Medical School, Galveston. Agglutination occurs after sperm cells are clumped together, which inhibits maximum movement and progression of the sperm. Vitamin C is also important for smokers who may otherwise have more sperm that is abnormally formed, according to Dr. Earl Dawson, in Galveston. Excess smoke can make its way to a man's sperm and lower their function and counts. Vitamin C can possibly neutralize the toxic smoke effects on sperm. On the other side, women need to avoid large doses of vitamin C, since it can cause dryness of cervical fluid. This can make it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg.

Vitamin E is an essential part of reproduction and fertility. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to lack of male fertility and absorption in females, according to studies performed on rats. A low level of vitamin E can also result in a decline in sex hormone formation, and sperm-producing enzymes.

A study in Italy, at the University of Padua, found that a diet without sufficient selenium may cause infertility in males. Selenium helps to prevent sperm cell oxidation, which aids in the integrity of sperm cells. Seafood, liver and red meat are good selenium sources.

Zinc is helpful within more than 200 enzymes and proteins that are essential for fertility in males. Low zinc levels cause testosterone levels to be lower, shrink the size of testicles and allow the production of less healthy, misshapen sperm.

Black cohosh has long been recommended for hot flashes and symptoms of menopause, and it also treats vaginal dryness and mood swings. Black cohosh shows little or no tendency of side effects, and it improves menopausal symptoms.

To lower cholesterol and to aid in quality cervical fluid production, Evening Primrose Oil (also known as EPO) is helpful. It is a fatty acid and the body converts it to a substance that is similar to hormones, known as prostaglandin E1. EPO also dilates the blood vessels and thins the blood, and assists your body in producing more cervical fluid of a high fertile quality. This fluid is also known as "egg white cervical mucus". EPO allows sperm to swim more easily through the uterus and on to the fallopian tube.

In addition to aiding fertility, EPO helps with PMS symptoms, and it can give benefits even to women in menopause. It may take a month or so to build up quality cervical fluid. It's important to discontinue EPO after you ovulate, and begin using flax seed oil, which will stabilize your estrogen-progesterone ratio.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh.

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