What Is In Vitro Fertilization, IVF? (Anas Khan)

What is IVF?

IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization and is a method of artificial insemination that dramatically increases the chances of pregnancy. It is one of the assisted reproductive technologies methods used as fertility treatment across the world where other methods have had drastic results.

In simpler terms, a man's sperm is inserted in woman's egg using controlled laboratory environment to proceed with fertilization. These embryos are then carefully put back into the mother's uterus after 4 to 5 days of fertilization in incubator in hopes that the embryo would grow in a full baby. The embryo transfer process needs to be carefully done in order for successful fertilization in the mother's womb.

There are many reasons why IVF is conducted:

1. Poor sperm quality - Males having poor sperm quality are unable to achieve fertilization and increase the chances of conception with their female partners. This is male factor infertility due to which people move towards IVF.

2. Hindrance between the egg & the sperm - Many times it happens that even though sperm quality and quantity is sufficient enough, the hindrance in between the lining of uterus and male's sperms often reduce the chances of fertilization. This calls for the assisted reproductive technology method known as IVF. In order to find out any possible hindrance, medical procedures like Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis are conducted and female's body gets completely examined for any signs or evidence of possible damage. This is done so that the embryologist can better understand the body and proceed with fertilization.

3. Fallopian tube problems - This is a female factor infertility, in which fallopian tubes either get blocked, or damaged making it complicated and stressful for the embryo to travel to the uterus.

What to look for before proceeding with the IVF program?

There are many factors that need to be analyzed first, before moving on with the procedure. Have a look at the SART statistics published each year and find out the number and likelihood of multi-fetal conception. While it may seem really cute to have twins or triplets, it is better to proceed with single, healthy pregnancy. Health risks exposed to mother increase when there is a chance of giving birth to more than one baby.

Choose clinic wisely and carefully after thorough research amongst various clinics. Do not hesitate to ask your peers or colleagues who have been through IVF procedure and had successful pregnancy. They are surely going to give you unbiased and genuine opinions based on their personal, solid and unquestionable experiences. You should also take into account the cost of IVF procedure. The success rates do not come cheap if proceeding with IVF. You need to have a good look at your budget and get ready for a minimum of $8000 to $10000 in your pocket. IVF is perhaps the safest, yet most expensive method used in fertility treatments.

When finally you have the budget and made up your mind, call up the clinic and ask for any questions you might be having in your mind including clinic's reputation, past records and appointment team. Notice the way nurses or phone operators respond to your call. Are they friendly? Do they spend proper time on phone assisting their customers? If yes, then this is a green signal to proceed to the clinic. When reached, have a look around the atmosphere and notice courteousness of the staff. Is the staff friendly? Is there an adequate level of hygiene maintained in the clinic? If you receive positive answers, then you might find this a good place for IVF fertilization. IVF is not a joke and hence should be done only once in life. Do not compromise on cost. Go for quality if you really are willing to get blessed with baby.

There is also an increased chance of birth defects if you made a wrong choice in selecting the IVF clinic. The sperm collected from males is first washed in the laboratory where live healthy sperms get separated from abnormal or dead sperms. A slight mistake of inserting abnormal sperm inside the egg could lead to birth defect. Advanced maternal age reduces the chances of getting pregnant even via IVF. Provide fertility drugs like Clomid to your partner to induce ovaries for fertilization few days before IVF procedure.

The first successful IVF baby was born at 11:47 PM on 25th July, 1978 at Oldham General Hospital, Oldham, England. Her name is Louise Brown and as of today she is a perfectly healthy, average looking lady at the age of 33. At birth, she weighed 2.68 KG which is considered to be in normal birth weight range.

IVF is a very successful medical procedure but you should ahead with it after getting consultation from a medical expert. This would act as your best guide to achieve successful conception.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh.

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