So Many Infertility Treatments, So Little Time! (Anas Khan)

Many couples today have faced the disheartening news that they are infertile. This does not necessarily mean they will never be able to conceive a baby of their own, but the road ahead, and the myriad of treatment choices, can be overwhelming. In the wake of research advancements, there are many options for infertility treatments, but how can you possibly decide which is the right treatment, or combination of treatments for you and your partner? Though you may feel pressure to make a decision about your treatment because time is of the essence in conceiving a child, the best first step is to thoroughly research your options, so you understand all of the factors for each choice.

Probably the most common treatment for infertility is the use of infertility medications, typically delivered by injection. Examples of these are Clomid and Progesterone, hormonal treatments, that alter how often, and how many eggs, you ovulate. When your doctor has determined that your difficulty in getting pregnant lies with a hormonal imbalance, or irregular or insufficient ovulation, they will recommend this course of treatment. There are caveats to infertility drugs, however, such as hyperovulation, which is when you ovulate more than one egg at a time, and could result in twins, triplets, or more. This may seem like a blessing for a couple who has been trying to conceive, but pregnancies with multiple babies put the mother and babies at higher risk for complications and developmental issues. Some research has also linked infertility drug use to cancer, and other health issues.

Artificial insemination is another option for infertility treatment, and involves placing sperm directly into a woman's reproductive tract. This is an option if there is an anatomical or health issue (such as scarring or physical disability) that has made is difficult for conception to take place by normal intercourse. Many placement procedures are used, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI - the most successful artificial insemination method), intravaginal insemination (IVI - the simplest method), intracervical insemination (ICI), and intratubal insemination (ITI - the most involved method).

Invitro fertilization is one of the most effective infertility treatment available. Eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the womb in a laboratory, and the fertilized eggs with the greatest potential for full and healthy development are implanted in the uterus. Eggs and sperm can be from the biological parents, or from donors, and the biological mother can carry the baby if she is healthy enough, or a surrogate can be used to carry the baby to term. Medications are used to prepare the uterus to accept the fertilized egg, and like all medications.

All treatment options should be discussed with your doctor, and you and your partner should weigh the pros and cons of each, considering all of the risk factors for you and your baby to be. With so many choices, the best fit will come with research and communication to find what will bring you closer to bringing home baby.

If you are unable to conceive the child naturally, all you need to do is get the test tube baby IVF and this is easily possible through IVF in uttar Pradesh. People need to consult about their problems from infertility centres and take help from professional and specialized IVF centre in uttar pradesh.

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